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The Bucks County Intermediate Unit is an educational service agency.

FREE Pre-School Programs

Children Playing

Head Start and Early Head Start are federal programs designed to promote school readiness by enhancing the child’s cognitive, social and emotional development with a positive learning environment and a variety of services. The purpose of Pennsylvania's Pre-K Counts is to help ensure quality pre-kindergarten opportunities are available to children (ages three to five) across the commonwealth. These programs are income eligible - start your application using the link below!  

Pre-Apply Here for Head Start, Early Head Start and Pre-K Countsexternal link


Through the Preschool (ages 3-5) Early Intervention Program, eligible children may receive services to support growth in the areas of Speech/Language, Hearing, Vision, Physical or Occupational Skills, and.or Instructional Support. Use this form to being your request.

external linkPreschool (ages 3-5) Early Intervention Screening Request Formexternal link

Join Our Team!


Job Stability - Great Benefits - Learning and Growth Opportunities...these are just some of the bonuses of working for the Bucks IU.  Here you will find creativity and innovation encouraged and nurtured in an environment where everyone is treated with concern, respect, and caring. Positions are available throughout Bucks County so whether you are looking for a management position, teaching, working in facilities, are a therapist, or would like an administrative role, we have a wide variety of exciting opportunities to pick from. Find your future with the Bucks IU!

CLICK HERE to Explore All Our Exciting Career Opportunities and APPLY ONLINE external link

School District Referral Form

Multicultural student's hands raised in front of a blackboard


Are you a school or school district looking for special education support services?  Let us help you support the students of Bucks County.  PowerSchool login is required by the school or district to access the form.Click Here for our School District Referral Formexternal link

District Referred Student Registration Information Update


If your child was referred by their respective school district and has been accepted/enrolled to be in a Bucks IU school-aged or transition program, we want to be sure we have their most current information on file with us for the new school year.  You will receive a letter in the mail with a code to use with the link below to access the form to be completed. Should you have any questions or problems, please contact Amber Winton at 215-348-2940 extension 1212.

Click here and use the code mailed to you to access the student registration information form.external link

Bucks IU Branded Merchandise - Shop Now!

Online Store - Shop Now for Bucks IU Branded Merchandise
You can purchase offical Bucks IU branded merchandise 24/7!  Shop at your convenience and have items shipped directly to you. Start shopping now at: link